This is a nice game with a very good graphic style and gameplay. But there are a cupple of things 2 say... I think the character customation at the beginning could be pumped up with more options for individualising. An other VERY big point is that you ve to sty connected at least when u r plying the stry mode which is not nesseseory i think cause the basic states could be also saved on the device just like ur older game e.g. The call of mini:" row, which was rly nice, espessialy cause of a not needed connection... Cause if I want to force other players, I ll do this on an big Screen of my Tower pc with much more power then a simple phone or pad. To play pvp on one of the named gadgets is pointless on my opinion.
Please do an update to change this cuz its nasty if u just wanna play the game during a juerny ore just between short bus trips and u ll always need a (good) internet connection which is not everywhere possible... if this is done, it would be an vry amazing thing....
RuReStei about TinyLegends™ Monster Crasher, v1.1.3