TinyLegends™ Monster Crasher App Reviews

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In store put stuff you can buy with gold and make the co-op monsters not 1 shot u. By the way the free gems button in add gems works but when I do the things for gems it does not give me them

Great game!

Great game but I hope theres an update

Mobs are to strong

The mobs in co op 1 shot u

Its okay

You cant get any diamonds and cant buy items with gold




完全"無課金"でも十分。 Berserker. lv,30(max) HP2803 ヘッド、アーマー、靴 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ 武器(Highland hammer) ダメージ3560-4352(max) +335 lightning damage +15% weapon damage ⭐⭐⭐⭐/⭐⭐⭐⭐ ラスボスは、 一撃で5000以上damageを与えてくるので、即死します..(д ゜゜ 脚の早さが肝。(逃げ足) 回復は意味が無いので、スキルで選択必要無し。 また、 装備のグレードアップに必要なストーンは、恐ろしく手に入らない。 一度の戦闘で、 Normal stone①-②個 良くてMagic stone①個 極々まれにRadiant stone①個..。 @変換率 Rare stone①個=Radiant/5個=Magic/25個=Normal/125個 "武器だけ"を完全にグレードアップするのに必要なストーン数。 @Radiant/24個 Rare/20個 (Magic stone換算だと"620個") 挫折しても恥ずかしくない。 俺は集めてしまった......ρ(。。`


昨日DLしてやろうとしてみたら最初の画面で少ししたら(You are disconnected)と表示されてできません。 どうすればできるか分かる方いませんか?? iPhone4でバージョンは最新にしてます。


You have to update game need new levels it is good game but boring atm but still 5 stars

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Our server is down for maintenance.please retry later. Diyor. nolcak

Awesome game

Its like Diablo on iOS. Please make levels larger in an update and provide more artifacts.


Best game ever


Fun and cool!!!


Good game!

Really nice game

But it always needs internet connect




Il termine legens serve molto


This is a really fun game so far but I play it on an iPhone 5 and it constantly freezes up and takes forever to get from place to place.

Its ok I guess

I actually like this game a lot but it has two major issues. One all items in the store cost real money and gold is practically useless. Two COop is way too hard and just because there are three heroes shouldnt mean the monsters should be ten times as powerful. Please add an item shop for gold and just a suggestion make different levels of difficulty for COop and let us choose which difficulty we want. Then you get a five.

Co op

Thats really it. The co op is fun but teh bad guyz are OP. fix plz


I think this is an awesome game I just hope you make it easyer to get t crystals.

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